Public Holidays and Holy Days of Obligation

The Welcome Center is closed for the following public holidays and Holy Days of Obligation. The nature trails and the church are still open to the public.

Jan 1

Holy Thursday (from noon)

Good Friday

Ascension Thursday (40 days after Easter)

Memorial Day (last Monday in May)

July 4

August 15 (Assumption of Mary)

Labour Day (1st Monday of September)

Nov 1 (All Saints)

Thanksgiving Day (last Thursday in November)

Dec 8 (Immaculate Conception)

Dec 23 at noon

Dec 24

Dec 25

Dec 26

Mass and Prayer Schedule

All of our liturgy is open to the public.

3:15 am Vigils
5:45 am Lauds, followed by Mass
7:30 am Terce
12:15 pm Sext
2:15 pm None
5:30 pm Vespers
7:30 pm Compline

3:15 am Vigils
6:45 am Lauds
10:20 am Terce, followed by Mass
12:15 pm Sext
2:15 pm None
5:30 pm Vespers
7:15 pm Adoration, Benediction and Compline

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